Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blogger or WordPress: My Dilemma

This week, I would like to share my reason for choosing Blogger over WordPress.


When confronted with learning any new concept or skill, I always do some research on the subject first!

So, during my search for information on both blogging platforms, I found a website called, Blogger or WordPress, Which is better? 

This particular site helped me decide on Blogger for my first blog. Blogger became my ideal choice because it is very simple to
  • set up; 
  • embed links, video, and audio clips
  • add new pages; 
  • edit and 
  • publish.

Whereas, WordPress requires you to understand and use HTML coding properly so that you can customize your blog layout and create templates. 

Moreover, having choices is important for the novice, like me, or for those who have the ability to create unique layouts on their own.

I know that some people do not appreciate the slant in data storage and sharing that takes place with Blogger—it’s connection to everything Google, but this a normal part of marketing and having a business.

Being a novice in starting my own blog, I didn’t want any additional challenges to writing. So I chose Blogger :)

Which one will be the right fit for you? 

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