Thursday, October 11, 2012

Part III: And the winner is...



Finally, I found a program that I can use with ease.

In the left hand panel, Library, you will find a myriad of shapes and connectors that make sense for real world uses. (Well, it makes sense for my purposes!)
It is very versatile and user friendly because it resembles Shapes from MS Word's Insert tab.

You can make flow charts, venn diagrams, even floor plans, without stress.

Below is the PLE I created using this program.

You can probably tell that I had a lot fun with it, maybe even too much!

I used a venn diagram because I like the interconnectedness of its image.

Each circle represents my experience with technology, including the overlapping ideas that they share

Past (Foundations), 
Present (Acquisition & Application), and 
Future (Activation).

Understanding the Overlap :

My Past and Future uses with technology are for 'gathering and using information,' whereas my Past and Present uses are for 'processing information.'  

And finally, my Present and Future uses represent some of the tools I will use to 'share and create' with others.

While I really like the look of my PLE, I think that I will continue to experiment with different forms and ideas.

In my next PLE diagram, I would like to include my PLN (Personal Learning Network). 

Believing that it is necessary to identify with whom I will be 'sharing and creating' new knowledge, I will also need to decide which tools would be appropriate for achieving this goal! 

Again, I encourage others to share their thoughts about their own process, (and my PLE too!) 

Until we meet again...



  1. I enjoyed your blog - and your review of the 'free' and not so free software available to make a PLE diagram.

    You have inspired me to get a goggle account (so that I can make comments on your blog) and also set up my own blog. So thank-you!

    Happy blogging...

    1. Hi Donna,

      Sorry for the delay on the response to your comment...I know that we have already been chatting via our D2L posts about blogging and PLE's :)

      Again, I am happy to read that I have inspired you to create a blog. I look forward to making comments on your blog too!

      Ciao for now.

      La Donna

  2. Great job! I downloaded Cmap without paying. Still, it seems pretty intricate and complex. Gliffy looks good, but I need to do some poking around.

    1. Hi Molly,

      Thanks for the positive comment :)

      Wow, you were able to download CMap without paying... Please share your secret--lol!

      I wonder if it is similar to Freemind, which was a little confusing to use at first.

      However, Gliffy is still my top choice. Actually, a friend of mine said he used another free software called, Lucid. I haven't tried it yet, but I will.

      Let me know how CMap or other mapping software work out for you.

      La Donna
