Thursday, October 11, 2012

Part I: Choosing a tool to create my PLE

In my last post, I said that I would create my PLE draft and share it with you... Don't worry, I have not forgotten :)

I have been trying to use three open source concept mapping tools (CMap, Freemind, and gliffy) to see which one is the best fit for me. 

Personally, I believe that these tools should make are lives easier, not more difficult!

The first tool I want to discuss is CMap.

At first, I was intrigued by the possibility of creating an elaborate system, in an easy way of course, with this free software.

Well, to my surprise, I could not download the software without paying, I mean 'donating' $10 for the service. 

I even followed the prompts-- email, username, password, language, etc., but it seems that I need to 'donate' $10 to have free access. 

So, being the frugal educator that I am, I decided against it.  

Ha, ha, ha :)

If anyone knows how to access this 'free' service without donating money, please let me know!!

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