Monday, October 8, 2012

The Beginning...

It's interesting to think that only a short time ago, educators were using overhead projectors and PowerPoint slides to share information with their learners. Even the paper-based materials that used to weigh down our bags have now been replaced by tablets and micro-computers. And now, face to face sessions and office hours take shape in online forums and video chats.

Today, learning is about collaboration. And as an adult educator, I want new ways to engage my learners and provide them with alternative learning environment.
Recognizing the need to 'outfit' my teaching toolbox with new e-tools, I have devised a sure-fire way to enhance my skill set...

The Plan: To use this blog to mark my challenges, views, and progress in acquiring and applying new teaching strategies over the next year. 

The Learning Goal: To complete the online Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies which focuses on Emerging Technology for Learning by next summer 2013. 
  • Program Planning: Completed
  • Instructional Design in Adult Education: Completed
  • Intro to Emerging Technology: In Progress until December 2012
  • Mobile Learning: January - April 2013
  • Digital Literacy: January - April 2013
  • Open Educational Resources: May - July 2013

The Challenge: To develop an 'active' online presence, rather than the 'passive-observer' persona I have now.

Finally, I encourage readers to take part in sharing their advice, opinions, or just plain comments on their learning curve experiences with technology :)

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