Monday, October 8, 2012

What's a PLE?

One of the assignments for my Intro to Emerging Technologies course is to create a PLE--Personal Learning Environment, as it relates to our development of our technology skills.

One article I came across, Seven Things You Should Know About Personal Learning Environments , explained that PLEs help learners manage and direct their own learning in order to pursue their educational goals.

What an amazing concept! PLEs are learner centered.

In my opinion, a PLE is a great example of how educators can motive learners to be more accountable for their learning.

Our instructor introduced us to free software, such as CMap, Freemind, and gliffy, that learners can use to create electronic concept maps or brainstorming webs. (Thanks for the introduction Ben!)

Another interesting 'find' was this creative YouTube video created by a 7th grade student.

Wow! I still cannot get over how advanced some young people are with their technology skills. 

Time for me to catch up!

Finally, I will review various PLEs that our instructor shared with us, in order to help me construct my own PLE and to share my thoughts about three of the PLEs.

Read my next post to find out which PLEs caught my interest :) 

Check them out here and share which ones struck accord with you!

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