Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mid-Term Presentation (98908): Voki (Creating Avatars)

Entering Week 8 of my course, we have been asked to select one online tool to present and share with our classmates.

After visiting the website, 100+ examples of use of social media for learning site, I have chosen to present on a free service called Voki.

According to our syllabus, the presentation should address four components:
  • Justification for choosing tools
  • Pros and Cons associated with its specific use in your school or professional context
  • Tools ability to support present or personal area
  • Comprehensibility in synchronous and asynchronous setting    

Below is an example of the four slides I will share with my class using Adobe Connect (virtual classroom)

(Note:Originally, I uploaded my PowerPoint to SlideShare, but my Voki and YouTube video would not play)

Slide 1: Introduction to Voki

Slide 2: Pros to Using Voki in My Workplace

  • Ideal for online classroom/training (Asynchronous)
    • Adds ‘Human Element’ to online lessons
  • Can be used to supplement Synchronous sessions
    • Use Voki to replace Help/FAQs section
  • Use with learners who have low literacy
  • Can add your voice or choose variety of computerized voices and accents
  • Can select a human or non-human Voki
  • Non human could be used for younger learners—class projects about animals
  • Can add Voki to other social media/programs
    • Facebook, blogs, Twitter, PowerPoint, email
  • Voki Classroom is a LMS with Blog, Teachers’ Corner, and other supports

Slide 3: Cons to Using Voki in My Workplace

  • Challenge to transfer Voki to PowerPoint (Used SnagIt to record Voki)
  • Difficult to add voice to Voki by phone or internal computer microphone
  • Computerized voice sounds very artificial/non-human
  • 3-Dimensional/ ‘human looking’ Vokis are only for Voki classroom
  • Non-human Vokis will not be taken seriously in the world of work/ training
  • Limited time for audio recordings = multiple Voki files
  • Voki for the classroom has an annual fee

Slide 4: Introduction to Voki Classroom 
  • Small annual fee = $30/yr or $45/ 2yrs
  • Up to 100 students & 5 classes
  • Allows shy students to become more involved
  • Instructor can introduce course and/or specific topics with Voki
  • Students can share comments locally and globally


Please share your comments and experiences using Voki in your workplace...

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