Thursday, December 6, 2012

Final PLE with Personal Learning Network (98908)

Using the concept mapping tool, Gliffy, I was able to create my final Personal Learning Environment model.

In week 4 of my Intro to Emerging Technology for Learning course, we were asked to create a draft PLE. 

Now that we have reached week 12, I am presenting the final graphic representation of my PLE.

The main difference between this final PLE and the previous one is the inclusion of my Personal Learning Network

As I have learned over the past few months, 'social' media does not exist if I do not have anyone with which to connect and share information.

Reviewing my progress from using traditional modes of communication, such as  letters and the telephone I am amazed at how I converse with people now.
  • email;
  • text messages; 
  • video chat;
  • social networking tools;
  • LMS; and 
  • the list goes on and on.

In my PLE bubble, I have included New E-Tools that I believe I need more time to understand before I can incorporate them into my new communicative process. 

Whether it is for my personal life or work, my learning curve regarding e-tools is moving along a 'continuum of development' that could take weeks, months, or possibly years.

Fortunately, I have a secret weapon--my PLN.

Together, various individuals will help me to familiarize myself with the new tools. 

Together, we will teach each other the best ways to communicate and share our knowledge.

Together, we can stay connected!


  1. Hi La Donna,

    I think your blog is great. I like the way your PLE has transformed over the few weeks of our course.

    Did you try any other mind mapping tools, other than Gliffy? I am trying out a free mind mapping tool called MindNode Lite for Mac. It is pretty easy to use, but would like to be able to add graphics and keys to it too.

    I am excited to be part of this networked learning community and Thank you for sharing your thoughts and progress on this blog and in the discussion boards on D2L.

  2. Happy Holidays Toni,

    Thanks for your positive comments.

    I apologize for my late response as I was out of the country...

    Anyways, you're right to notice how this course has transformed my ideas about the exciting ways internet users can interact, create and share information.

    As for your question, I briefly looked into LucidChart, another concept mapping tool that a friend recommended.

    Unfortunately, I did not find it as versatile as Gliffy. Also, I am not a big fan of the curvy lines between the box diagrams.

    In our online course, one of our classmates used a program called Prezi for one of her assignments. It looks amazing and I can't wait to try it. I love the 'zoom in' feature!

    Its creators describe it as 'presentation' software and you don't need the internet to create your 'prezi'...unlike the other ones.

    Even though Prezi is a paid program with a 30 day FREE trial, I would like to try it for that period and then decide :)

    If you follow this URL, you will reach a blog by He discusses his thoughts on education and technology, including using LucidChart and Prezi with learners.

    As you know from our course, there are so many more e-tools to explore and use.

    Personally, I am looking forward to next term's courses... and my continuation of this blog!

    Hope to read from you soon :)

    La Donna
