Monday, February 18, 2013

The Journey Continues...

Welcome Back to My Learning Curve-- I know it has been a while :)

Don't worry, I've been keeping busy with two online courses--Mobile Learning and Digital Literacy. Yep, I am right on schedule to complete my Certificate in Emerging Technologies for Learning by this summer!

In both courses, I am learning new ways to provide e-learning and develop my learners' skills, mainly 21st Century Skills.

Let's take a moment to see what topics my instructors have covered over the past five weeks.

Mobile Learning

1. Introduction and Situating Self in Mobile Learning
2. Definitions--What is Mobile Learning all about?
3. International Perspectives to Mobile Learning
4. Designing for the Mobile Jungle
5. QR Codes and Designing a QR Code Mobile Project

Mid Term/Final: 
Create a Mobile Learning Project (includes template and presentation)
My mLearning Project: A mobile resource for anyone who wants to increase reading and writing skills in boys.
Digital Literacy

1. Getting Started--Snapshots of Digital Literacy
2. Digital Literacy Competencies and Frameworks
3. Digital Citizenship
4. Digital Economy
5. Education and Digital Literacy

Mid Term: Create a Webinar
My Webinar: Audacity Tips for Educators

Final Assignment: Create an E-Portfolio for a specifc audience
My Audience: My target audience is upcoming/new teachers who would like to know how to become an alternative educator.

Both these courses and my online classmates are teaching me so much about the various topics--it's really great to be able to share ideas with others!

As a result, I would like to share some of the topics with you in this blog.

Please continue to read on....

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