Friday, May 17, 2013

ETL Certificate Update: May 2013

As you may remember, I started this blog to share my experience learning about new technologies as a way to engage my learners.

In my first blog post, I outlined my Learning Goal to complete the online Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies which focuses on Emerging Technology for Learning by the summer of 2013. 

Let's take a look at how I am doing so far...
  • Program Planning: Completed
  • Instructional Design in Adult Education: Completed
  • Intro to Emerging Technology: Completed
  • Mobile Learning: Completed
  • Digital Literacy: Completed
  • Open Educational Resources: May - July 2013 CANCELLED
Now, I am sure that you can imagine my frustration to learn that my final course has been cancelled due to low hoo.

However, it will be offered again in January 2014!! Whoo-hoo ;o)

My other option is to take a course called, Special Topics in Emerging Technology: Cloud Computing this September 2013.

Since, that course doesn't really tickle my fancy... I guess I will have to wait until January :(

In the meantime, I have decided to continue my journey on my own

How will I do it you ask?  
Well here's how... 
  1. Attend technology related events;
  2. Experiment with new technologies on my own; and
  3. Register for open source courses.   
As a result, I will continue to share my emerging technologies experiences with you!!

So stay tuned...

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