Monday, April 22, 2013

My Mobile Learning Project

As part of my mLearning Project for my Mobile Learning course, I have created this blog series-- Digital Storytelling.

In this course, I have learned how mobile devices, such as cell/Smartphoones, mobile applications (Apps), and QR Codes can be used to enhance learning. 

My goal with this series is to share how you can make digital stories more exciting, especially for boys who are reluctant readers, if you incorporate current graphic storylines and layout

Below are the four graphic story forms that I would like to introduce to educators and parents.

  • Comic Books;
  • Graphic Novels;
  • Anime; and
  • Manga

Again, the posts in this series will provide you with some basic introductions to these styles' and their storyline structure.

So, why boys?

According to the Manitoba Education Department, “boys typically score lower than girls on standardized tests in the language arts” and “ do not perform as well as girls in reading and writing”.

Since technology is morphing our current concept of reading and writing, today's children need to develop their 21st Century skills if they want to be competitive in the work force of the future. 

Here's an interesting video, Boys Literacy-Engaging Boys in Reading, that shares one teacher's perspective.

So, let's begin our journey!

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