Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Boys vs Girls--Tips Included!!

The Research

According to the Manitoba Education Department, boys can read, but they can be reluctant readers and less enthusiastic to read than girls. And apparently, there is less choice in literature for boys, which could be a challenge for educators and parents.

These findings have prompted the Manitoba government to create a resource titled, Strategies for Success, to help educators select  ‘appropriate resources for boys’ by understanding which topics interest them.

Below are eight great 'tips' to boost boys' interest in reading!!

Tip #1: Boys prefer to read stories that “reflect their image of themselves […] make them laugh and that appeal to their sense of mischief.” 

Tip #2: Boys prefer fantasy and science fiction stories, especially with a quest or missions.

Tip #3: Boys prefer visuals which make comic books, magazines, and newspapers make great choices.

Tip #4: “Boys thrive on the visual language of television, cartoons, and video games” because “boys are more oriented to visual/spatial learning”.

Tip #5: Boys understand and remember new information better when you present information in visual forms, such as graphic organizer

Tip #6: Boys enjoy group work compared to individual work because it allows them to discuss and share their ideas. 

Tip #7: Boys prefer dialogue based stories to descriptive narratives.

Tip #8: Boys will be more encouraged to read if they can write some stories too.

Now that you have a clearer idea of what boys prefer to read, let's learn about digital storytelling :)

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