Friday, May 17, 2013

NavigaIT's Women in Technology Event

Every year, ICTAM (Information, Communication, and Technology Association of Manitoba) hosts an event for women in technology called NavigaIT.

This year's event was held at the Fairmont Hotel in downtown Winnipeg. The three hour after work event  was free and included some light refreshments and drinks (I believe the drinks have a cost, though).

The Theme: Personal Branding with Social Media

Unfortunately, I was feeling under the weather that night and could not attend last week's event (May 9, 2013), but a good friend of mine, Anneliese did!

She was kind enough to share her excitement and the PowerPoint of the keynote speaker,  Sidneyeve Matrix, Associate Professor, Department of Film and Media at Queen's University. 

Title Slide of Sidneyeve Matrix's Presentation
Click on the link below to view the PowerPoint presentation

Next year, I will definitely have to attend the NavigaIT event no matter what!!

In addition to the keynote's address, attendees had the opportunity to sit down and chat with two executive mentors (industry experts), including Matrix herself, during 40 minute sessions.

Here's the list of the evening's mentors:
Cindy Emslie
Director,Technical  Sales, MTS Allstream

Roberta Everson
Vice-President, Technologies for Learning Group

Barb Gamey
President and Co-founder, Payworks
Cathy Nieroda
Executive Consultant

Leslie Ormel
General Manager, Canada West, Sierra Systems Group 

RoseAnna Schick
President, RAS Creative

Kimberly Shaw  
Principal, The Right Fit Professional Group

Lydie Toupin-Mulvihill
Group Manager, Microsoft, Winnipeg

For those of you new to technology and social media, this type of event is a great way to network and meet like- minded people!

The list above shows us that women in technology are in a variety of positions and fields these days.

So look for women in IT within your city and see if you can invite them out for coffee and learn more about emerging technology!   

REQUEST: Anyone who attended last week's event or previous NavigaITs, please share some of the tips you learned with us!!

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