Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Creating Panels for Manga

If you want to use Manga comic book layout style to tell a story, it is important to have a basic understanding of the visual and spatial elements of Manga before you start on your adventure.

In this post, I am sharing panel structure tips that I learned from EHow's, How to Write a Manga Script.

Since Mangas are written as serial stories, the story line structure can become quite detailed and lengthy.

For this reason, I have listed the three main story parts in percentages rather than pages. 
  • Introduction (20%), Main Plot (60%), and Conclusion (20%)
Other tips about the panels are...
  1. Panel boxes are smaller than traditional comics.
  2. Each page has four to six panels. (I.e. Five page section = 20 - 30 panels)
  3. Big plot points should be shown in larger panels-- some pages only have one or two panels
  4. Use a blank storyboard or make one on blank paper to plan the picture arrangement for each panel. 
  5. Number panels in order and page numbers too!
  • Dialogue is simple while the characters' actions and expression are the main focus
  • Focus on characters' feelings and make sure the characters' body actions and facial expressions are clear
  • Use scenic images of  buildings, parks,etc. without characters in order to build a setting.
How to Read Manga

You should develop the habit of reading manga from right to left and from top to bottom. Keep this in mind before instructing others to write using a manga style.

Image: otakucentral.org

Image: http://www.mangatutorials.com/tut/mangastudio2_p.htm

Templates examples found at http://www.deviantart.com/morelikethis/160273720

While this comic book layout may seem challenging at first, it could provide for some very interesting stories--especially if you get the kids to exaggerate their emotions in pictures!